Facial Peels: What Are They And Which One Is Right For You?

Written by Aaron Guldager — February 25, 2019

Facial Peels: What Are They And Which One Is Right For You?

You’re on a quest for even, glowing, more youthful-looking skin. Who isn’t? But with so much information out there, it’s hard to know what’s best for your skin.

Some treatments and products can take up a lot of your time and money, while others — like SiO Beauty patches — are economical and time efficient. If you’re wondering how facial peels fit into your skin care routine, you’re in the right place.

Facial peels are treatments that many women are doing as part of their skin care routine. But just because lots of people are doing peels doesn’t mean it’s the most ideal option for your skin! To decide if a facial peel is right for you, you need to know all the facts, and we’re here to give them to you.

What Are Facial Peels And How Do They Work?

So what exactly is a facial peel? It’s just what it sounds like: a skin-resurfacing treatment that makes the skin on your face peel off. Before you get scared away by the sound of it, keep reading.

A facial peel, also known as a chemical peel, is a liquid applied to your face. It sits on your skin for several minutes, working to removing the top layer. It’s called a peel because that top layer of your skin will peel off following the treatment — usually within the next few days.

woman receiving one of several varieties of facial peels treatments

The goal of this type of treatment is to reveal the layer of fresh, smooth, healthy skin that hides behind the dull, dead skin cells on the surface of your face.

How does a facial peel do that? By something called chemical exfoliation.

You’ve probably heard the word “exfoliation,” but you might not know that there are two different types: physical exfoliation and chemical exfoliation.

Physical exfoliation involves physically removing the old skin cells on the surface of your skin — we usually physically exfoliate with a scrubby face wash with little beads.

Chemical exfoliation, on the other hand, removes the top layer of skin by dissolving it away (no scrubbing necessary). Facial peels are an example of chemical exfoliation.

What Are The Benefits Of Facial Peels?

So what exactly can a facial peel do for you? Facial peels smooth your skin, reduce fine lines, even your skin tone, and encourage collagen production (which is super important for achieving younger-looking skin).

How do they manage to accomplish all those things? By removing the dull top layer of skin, a facial peel reveals a fresh, smooth layer of skin, leaving you with a radiant face! That brand-new layer of skin will be soft and smooth and have fewer blemishes and fine lines.

Expert tip: Another way to smooth your skin and make wrinkles less noticeable  is by wearing SiO Beauty Patches and applying SiO Cryo Fill wrinkle filler.

These silicone patches are gentle on your skin and can be reused up to 10 times! Simply apply the patches at night before you hop into bed, and then get a good night’s sleep. Remove the patches in the morning (don’t forget to save them to wear again!) and take a look at your glowing skin.

SiO’s ultra-hydrating patches help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by drawing moisture into the outer layer of your skin (the dermis) to reveal a smoother-looking surface. They also provide gentle compression to keep your skin from creasing.

What Are The Different Types of Facial Peels?

Facial peels aren’t all the same; there are several different kinds. Facial peels are usually divided into groups based on their strength: superficial peels, medium peels, and deep peels.

Which one is right for you? You should make that decision with your dermatologist. But we have the scoop on each type of peel to get you on your way to deciding which peel best meets your needs.

Superficial Peels

Superficial (or light) peels are relatively easy on your skin, and they’re also the quickest peel treatment.

In fact, a superficial peel is sometimes referred to as the “lunchtime peel” because it’s an in-and-out treatment and you can usually carry on with your day without anyone knowing you had a peel!

Aestheticians can give you these peels (no need to go to a dermatologist), or you can buy superficial peels and do them at home. The only thing you’ll experience during the peel is a slight tingling feeling.

They’re called “superficial” peels because they don’t go very deep — they only affect the outside layer of skin.

These peels are usually made of glycolic acid, lactic acid, or salicylic acid. Some superficial peels even use fruit extracts. Sounds fresh!

The side effects of a superficial peel are minimal. You’ll likely have dry, red, and sensitive skin for a few days after the treatment. Because your skin will be extra-sensitive to the sun, be sure to cover up with a hat and wear sunscreen when you’re outside.

And, of course, the disadvantage of any peel is that you’re putting chemicals on your face. If you want a more gentle, natural way to get glowing skin, check out SiO Beauty Patches, which reduce the appearance of wrinkles without the need for treatments like chemical peels.

woman wearing SiO Beauty patches to reduce wrinkles by adding hydration that chemical peels don't provide

Superficial peels are for ladies who want to brighten their skin and have a smoother complexion. These peels can also reduce fine lines and sun damage and improve dry skin.

Medium Peels

Medium peels are stronger than superficial peels and are typically made from something called Trichloracetic acid (TCA).

The advantage of a medium peel is that it takes care of some of the more stubborn skin troubles. It improves the appearance of acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and lines. But before you get too excited about all that, know that medium peels definitely have their drawbacks.

Medium peels affect your skin on a deeper level, and the procedure is not as quick and easy as with superficial peels.

Because medium peels provide a deeper “burn,” the treatment time is a bit longer and the side effects are more noticeable (you may not want to go straight back to the office with a red, post-peel face).

Medium peels use a stronger chemical to dissolve unwanted skin, so your face will probably sting during and after the treatment. You can expect burn-like side effects, and your face will be peeling, red, itchy, and swollen for a week or more afterward.

As with superficial peels, make sure to use lots of sun protection after a medium peel!

woman wearing a hat to protect her vulnerable skin from the sun after having one of a variety of facial peels

You’ll need to see a dermatologist for this type of peel and they can be quite expensive — usually a few hundred dollars.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are the strongest peels available, and they’re made from phenol or a high-strength Trichloracetic acid. These are the big-guns of facial peels and are only used for serious conditions: deep wrinkles, sun damage, and scars.

These peels aren’t frequently recommended because there are plenty of risks and side effects. The chemical used is quite risky for the body and can cause heart problems.

Plus, deep peels leave you with a burnt face, which will usually heal within a few weeks, but redness can last for months.

Deep peels are performed by dermatologists, usually require sedation, and can cost up to a few thousand dollars.

woman examining her face in a mirror while deciding between facial peels or SiO Beauty patches to reduce wrinkles

If you’re considering a facial peel but still aren’t sure which one is the most beneficial (and safest) for your skin, give SiO Beauty patches a try first. When you’re ready to say goodbye to fine lines and dull skin, SiO’s smoothing patches are just the ticket.

Get your own set today, and then talk to your dermatologist about whether or not a chemical peel is right for you.