SiO Skincare Blog

Dark Spots and Marks

Skin pigmentation can appear on both the face and body, and while most issues are harmless, it can sometimes cause emotional stress. Some dark spots can be lightened with a simple treatment, whereas others require more profound ongoing care.

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Acne Scars

Acne breakouts can be frustrating to get under control, but nothing is more discouraging than the acne scars left behind when you do. Do acne scars go away? Yes and no. Unfortunately, if they’re not treated, they can become permanent.

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There are currently more than 16 million people in the U.S. who suffer from rosacea, but the number is projected to grow. Unfortunately, the cause of rosacea is unknown, but it can be controlled by the right skincare routine and avoiding triggers.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Gravitational Wrinkles and Folds

Examples of gravitational folds include nasolabial folds, which run from the sides of your nose down to the corners of your mouth, and marionette lines, which run from your mouth corners down to your chin.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Dynamic Expression Lines

As the name suggests, dynamic expression lines are caused by repeated facial expressions and the loss of collagen and elastin over time. Facial muscles are different from other muscles within the body because they’re directly attached to the skin, allowing us to make expressions, whether that’s frowning, smiling, or laughing.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Permanent Elastotic Creases

Deep lines in the skin define elastotic creases. This particular type of wrinkle tends to show up where the skin creases naturally, such as the cheeks, lips, base of the neck, and the lips. Unlike crinkle lines, these are deep wrinkles

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Crinkle Lines

Wrinkle lines can pop up anywhere, from your forehead and eyes to neck and chest. These fine lines run parallel to each other, yet they can disappear when your skin is pulled taut because they are relatively shallow in terms of depth.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Body Wrinkles

Fine lines, wrinkles, and folds aren’t biased, which means they can appear on your body just as they do on your face.Body wrinkles can appear anywhere but are primarily found on the neck, chest, hands, and around the knees and elbows.

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How to Care for a Combination Skin Type

Combination skin can be characterized as having two or more different skin types on the face. Typically, the cheeks and eye area are dry and flaky, whereas the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) is oily because there are more sebaceous (oil) glands in this area.

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Acne and Wrinkles (and What You Can You Do About It)

Dealing with acne on its own can be frustrating, but even more so as an adult because you’re also battling the aging process. Understanding how both acne and wrinkles impact the skin can help you make better lifestyle choices while crafting a properly balanced skincare routine to fight pimples and the signs of aging.

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Does Oily Skin Get Less Wrinkles?

Between perpetual shine and pesky breakouts, oily skin can be challenging to take care of — but that means you’ll get fewer wrinkles, right? Not so fast. The reality is oily skin ages just the same as other skin types. However, it may have a smoother appearance and natural glow because of the amount of sebum (oil) produced.

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Does Dry Skin Cause Wrinkles?

The belief that dry skin causes wrinkles is nothing more than a myth. What’s true is that dry skin appears to be more wrinkled because it’s producing less oil than other skin types, so lines are more prominent.

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